Personal Coaching - Appointments
“After 20 years of trying to resolve marital and family issues, including 10 years of counseling and other programs we have finally realized the breakthroughs we’ve been seeking in John Canaan’s workshops and follow up support. Great relationships don’t just happen. Start now with this program!”
“John and Narelle have been a great help to me and my husband. Not only are they skilled and knowledgeable, but they are intuitive and compassionate as well. Their advice has been very practical, but also focused and customized just for us. With their help my husband and I have been able to break through many old patterns, and we’ve begun to learn how to choose peace and happiness instead of conflict and despair in our lives- individually and together.”
Payment Options, Information & Scheduling
Venmo to Narelle Canaan (Last 4 digits of Narelle’s phone - 8212), or, or or
Your bank mobile app, using “Zelle” (send to: - 801 548 8212).
Payment is $400 for 4 hours of coaching (zoom meetings). Registration is nonrefundable. We 100% guarantee amazing results if you’ll follow through with the meetings you book.
Most meetings are 60 minutes but the 1st meeting can be longer. Once you gain some momentum, you may want to schedule some maintenance meetings (30 minutes every week or two). All coaching is pre-paid.
Coaching Meetings are at: (Pass code is 123)