“The ‘9 Agreements’ two-day workshop was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. I’ve spent years in educational training on communication and years in therapy. The two-day workshop superseded both of these experiences. It provided me with the practical tools I’ve been looking for personally and professionally.

Dr. Bridget Reynolds Sheffer Phd (Communications)

“John’s intro seminar alone answered so many of my life’s questions! Not just with marriage but with ANY relationship. John’s message and music were such effective tools in delivering enlightenment to our souls, moving us to tears in such a quiet, loving manner. Love his humor too! I know we just scraped the tip of the iceberg, and we are coming back for more.

Masa Fukuda (Children's One Voice Choir)

“It was an honor for me to introduce you to my dear friend, John Canaan, and his creative assembly of some very, very old (as in ancient) stuff, sandwiched in with his musical/magical/spiritual gifts. I get so b”lown away when I see friends let go of the past and experience the new freedoms that come from sending the message of who they truly are, all sorts of unexpected and wonderful things happen. You probably saw me grinning through much of the workshop. I was anticipating what's going to happen in everyone's lives in the very near future. You can't explain it and neither can I. It's a miracle. And you saw it right before your very eyes.”

Lynn Koberna (Dallas, 9 Agreements Coordinator)