Relationship Seminar
(for couples & singles)
Learn what a man wants, and, what he is most afraid of.
Learn what a woman wants, and, what she is most afraid of.
Deepen your understanding of what motivates men / women.
Get a clear view of the way to each other's heart.
““The ‘Way to...” seminar helped me to fall in love with my husband all over again.”
““John Canaan’s seminars and workshops have not only revived my optimism and hope in creating a great relationship but have caused in me an almost giddy, crazy-in-love feeling about my whole life and everyone in it.””
“This seminar alone answered so many of my life’s questions! Not just with marriage but with ANY relationship. John’s message and music were such effective tools in delivering enlightenment to our souls, moving us to tears in such a quiet, loving manner. Love his humor too! I know we just scraped the tip of the iceberg, and we are coming back for more.”
““I thought I would have to come (to the “Way2”) alone, but today my husband agreed to come with me. I am thrilled! I used just a tiny inkling of what I picked up at the last one I attended…, and my husband responded so authentically it blew me away” ”