Affirmation Flood
Flood your mind with positive affirmations! (Tell yourself the truth!) Note that this entire section (”Affirmation Flood”) works best as part of your Morning “Habit Stack.”
The more you affirm who you really are (your real and best self- physically, spiritually, professionally etc.), the more inspired you will be to show up as this version of yourself (to "come down from the tree") and stop testing us to see if we'll love you in your compromise (in your less than version of your real and best self i.e. disorganized, rude, out of shape, broke etc.)
Affirmation Flood - Sources
Below are lists from Joel Osteen “Power of I Am”, “The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook” and Mel Robbins “High 5 Habit.”
Preparation / Overview
Get familiar with the options below.
Some phrases will be "Yes, this is me. Love it“ etc. But others might be, "I could be hiding up in the tree a little on this one (a bit behind some branches).”Underscore, or make a new list, that includes your favorites (from 3 to 10, or use all of them!).
If inclined, create a few more of your own, based on where you may be holding back. Example: If you are struggling with speaking harshly to others, tell yourself the truth i.e. “I am patient, loving, and calm in all conversations.” etc.
Post affirmations on your vision board, and/or bathroom mirror and/or refrigerator and/or phone.
Spend 1 to 30 minutes a day declaring your morning mantras (see below) & affirmations. Remember to not push or effort these possibilities into existence. Inspired, positive affirmations represent the blueprint you came with! Simply be present to them and they will find there way to you. More on this idea here.
**Information on this page is just a suggestion. Determine how you will approach affirmations, then make a daily habit for the rest of your life, even if it’s just 3 or 4 minutes. *{*Note, once you discovered the benefit of putting fuel in your car, or showering or eating, it’s not like you’re going to stop now, right? Same with positive mental/spiritual/emotional fuel.}
Suggested Mantra & Affirmation Daily Steps (part of your Morning “Habit Stack”)
1) High 5 to Your Heart before you even get out of bed. With *both hands on your heart, say: “*I’m O.K., I’m safe, I’m loved” and/or any core affirmations from below that tend to calm your soul and open your heart for the day ahead. [For more on this, purchase “The High 5 Habit.”]
2) Go to the mirror, and give yourself a High 5 using whatever phrase is calling to you from Mel’s list below. Remember, don’t chase these realities. Just say them.
A fun extra possibility
Something I like to also do once in a while in the mirror is “Now look at that! Aren’t YOU just amazing!!?” Then answer, “Yes, I am, as is, right now, just as I am. I am amazing. I am loved. I am precious beyond price. I am of infinite worth, and I am God’s own child”
3) Continue in affirmations, either at the mirror, on a walk, and/or on your knees, choosing any of the possibilities below (Mel’s, Joel’s or the Mantras).
4) Either before or after your affirmations, spend time praying and/or meditating. Meditating on different scriptures, as inspired, can be particularly healing and empowering. Nothing is more affirming than God’s presence in our lives and his personal love for our souls.
Affirmation Options
Mel Robbins List (”High 5” list, mainly for the mirror) I deserve to feel good today. I am an awesome person. I have my own back. What broke my heart opened my eyes. This is teaching me something I need to know. Today is going to be a good day. I am enough just as I am. I will figure this out. Every day, I'm getting a little stronger. Don't believe me? Watch. I can handle this. Bring it on. What's meant for me is trying to find me. I am stronger than I think. I am allowed to be a work in progress. This scares me and I'm doing it anyway. My new chapter is just beginning. The world needs my story (contribution). I am growing every day. I choose to focus on what I can control. This moment is temporary. If I put in the work, it will happen.
Joel Osteen’s List I am beautiful. I am valuable. I am accepted. I am accepting. I am generous. I am disciplined. I am empathetic. I am able. I am full of life. I am talented. I am creative. I am prosperous. I am wise. I am in shape (or well on my way). I am healthy (or well on my way) I am energetic. I am positive. I am prepared. I am strong. I am motivated. I am focused. I am competent. I am kind. I am determined. I am patient. I am confident. I am secure. I am beloved. I am God’s own child.
Loving Kindness Mantras (Take your positive input even further with “Loving Kindness Mantras”- first, toward yourself, then toward someone struggling with, then toward someone you don’t really know i.e. someone at the post office. [For more on this, read “The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook.”]
May I be safe. May I feel safe. May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I live with ease.
...or any other alternative you feel, i.e.
May I be calm. May I be trusting. May I be focused May I be influential May I be loving May I be supportive May I be present
...or, just say each attribute or state, allowing it’s full presence and reality inside i.e. “calm”, ”trusting”, etc.
Scripture Affirmations (Click Below)