
The following is also found in “Couple GPS Basics” but is included here for a quick intro to the course.

Your results are worth the work

Who wouldn’t want to fully restore one of these?! Your marriage is worth a billion of these.

But let's look at this from the other side: What about when someone says, "I really want to get in shape" but won't change his diet, go to the gym, work out, or get support from a trainer.

The actions that lead to what you want aren’t always easy. But they are worth it.

Go the distance - Miracles are waiting for you

You may not want to hear this, but the truth is: problems are complicated- solutions are simple.

Solutions aren’t easy, but they are straightforward and usually pretty simple. Such is the day to day work (action list), in Couples GPS. Very simply, requires discipline, indisputably effective. There’s not even a question about that.

The only question is whether you're willing to keep going; keep the agreements you make, stay with our meetings (or at least with the program if you're not doing meetings), get up if you fall, work through the action list and prayerfully put one foot in front of the other. I promise you that if you’ll do your best, miracles are waiting.

The only thing between you and what you want are the steps leading to it.
A marriage, like a human life, is a precious, living thing and is worth saving at any cost (worth every step you'll learn to take in this program). Special thanks to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for making this video (one of my very favorites).