Determine Mastery Habits
“Mastery Habits” are repeating actions recommended for Mastery Participants and whatever other habits you are wanting to create and track for this Mastery.
DAILY (in order of importance)
A-Choice Routine (Click for example)
Homework (See “Mastery Navigator”)
Refine "Streaks" & “Skin”
Small Group Interview (at Tuesday Meetings)
Mastery Habits - Decision time
Starting with the big dominoes
These are the habits that cause the rest of your success to fall in place. This is your moment! Make the commitments! (Use your Mastery Navigator to clarify your commitments).
The big 3
1) Mastery Meetings, including Success & Accountability Interview & Coaching on the 9 Agreements.
There are 11 Tuesday night training meetings. How many are you in for?
NOTE: If absent, you can privately (on phone or zoom) meet with another Mastery Participant (ideally not your spouse). There are 9 interviews. What number would you like to commit to?
2) Homework Opportunities.
Be realistic. Don’t overwhelm yourself, but don’t rip yourself off. How may minutes a day would you be willing spend on activities that sharpen your saw? This includes your A-Choice routine each morning, exercise, homework itself, watching videos, updating your Mastery navigator etc. 5 minutes a day? 10? 20? You decide. Go with your instincts.
3) Habit Tracking even if it’s a little 3 by 5 card that you check major daily habits off with each day. We’ll talk more about this later.
Mastery Health Jump-Start
“How you do one thing is how you do everything” - Jamie Utley
The Mastery Health Jump-start is your opportunity to get serious about increasing your health and energy, and therefore, about changing your life. By making a stand for your health for the next 11 weeks, you will be sending a clear message to your unconscious mind i.e. “My world is changing! I’m in action! I’m making major commitments!”
A Major Aspect of Mastering Life
Your Mastery Habits Challenge includes at least 20 minutes of exercise a day, at least 5 days a week.
20 minutes of exercise (minimum) a day is not just a significant saw sharpening activity in itself- It is an excellent barometer of your current quality of life.
If you’re not getting at least 20 minutes of exercise in a day, you’re going to want to review your priorities. Something’s got to give!
Walking is by far your most synergistic possibility when it comes to exercise, because you can combine walking with so many other Mastery priorities i.e. meditation, prayer, inspirational input etc.
Brene Brown said that one of the most heart opening activities in her life is a long walk outside.
Get 100% committed to your Mastery Health Jump Start by determining to exercise every day.
Click here for Mastery Navigator (Get password at our 1st meeting).
The Great White Line
Brace yourself for a quantum leap toward health & energy
Sugar, in general, creates a 20 minute energy spike and then, depending on how refined the sugar is, a drop in energy. Sugar weakens your immunity, often leads to diabetes type II and according to some, creates a pre disposition to cancer.
Let me put it in another way. You can’t get something for nothing. The little tweak you feel with sugar (or caffeine for that matter) comes with a cost- a net loss in energy and an assortment of health liabilities.
Drawing a line with respect to sugar can be helpful in increasing your energy- one of the key ingredients to excellence (to “Mastery”).
And remember, “how you do one thing is how you do everything.” The Great White Line isn’t just about health and energy. It’s a little message you’re sending to yourself, daily, about living a life of Mastery. “If I can do this” you say to yourself, “If I can say no to the bad stuff and yes to the good stuff, I can navigate from mediocrity to excellence.”
Our challenge to you is to choose some sort of Great White Line for this Mastery.
Examples / Options:
1) No refined ("white") sugar desserts, drinks or treats (including diet drinks).
2) and/or no white flour or white rice.
3) or, “I’m not willing to draw any lines at this moment. I may later.”
4) or, “I am willing to draw a line, with the following exception…”
i.e. birthday parties, cruises, or just something as simple as ___ exceptions a month (whatever you feel you need to survive).
The secret is to decide IN ADVANCE and then hold your ground, no matter what!
NOTE: Chocolate and Ice Cream pictured above are completely healthy treats. See Narelle and I for details.
Click here for Mastery Navigator (Get password at our 1st meeting).