Skin in The Game
“Skin in the game” means an extra level or token of your personal commitment- a message to yourself that you are serious. Without skin in the game, often, you will tend to just flap in the wind.
One option for Skin could be something positive but not something you would normally do i.e. “If I do not complete my top 3 “skinned” habits (checked on your “Mastery Habits” list) at least 5 times this week, I will visit a rest home, listen to stories, give hugs etc. for 30+ minutes.”
Skin can also be a reward for completion of something i.e. “For each week I get to at 11 and up at 7, at least 5 days, I will purchase a new article of clothing.”
A more natural form “skin in the game” is a make up approach (also known as Self Restitution) i.e. if you didn’t exercise at least 20 minutes on Monday, exercise 40 minutes on Tues. etc.
Sometimes your word is all the skin you need to motivate yourself.
When it comes to skin in the game, do whatever works best for you. Everyone is different in this realm. Pay attention to what will actually work for you.
Other fun examples of “Skin in the Game”:
___ minute back rub, foot rub or hand rub for spouse.
Making your spouse or kids their favorite meal or treat.
Watching the kind of movie your spouse wants to watch with him or her. (Note: You could combine a foot rub with this, as long as you’re not in a theater).
30 minute “Personal Spiritual Retreat” in the mountains (or desert, or even just a huge park) praying, meditating, scriptures etc.
Donation to your favorite charity etc.
Take a sibling or parent to lunch (on you) if this kind of lunch is a very rare event.
In your “Mastery Habits” tab (in your “Mastery App.), put a check mark in the right column for whatever you’d like to put some skin into. You decide.